Q. But yes to vouchers for private schools as far as that would go?
The politics of many states are not friendly to vouchers.
People who care about public schools for the most part are violently opposed to vouchers.
Gove is moving fast forward to vouchers with his 'fair funding' for schools.
As an example, he pointed to vouchers, which would provide state funds to help parents pay for private or parochial schools.
And will we invest real dollars in our public education and say no to vouchers?
Conservatives want to divert public funding to vouchers for private or religious schools.
You're adamantly opposed to vouchers for those folks without the means; it's public schools or nothing.
The policy institute calls for converting the $4 billion in Federal child care money to vouchers, which let parents choose where they send their children.
Parents would be able to use federal dollars for activities like tutoring - one step on the road to vouchers, Republicans argue.