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Two years later, he began his 25 reign as president of the international.
However, the last days of his reign were not good.
Died at age 65 after a reign of 48 years.
His free reign above the law must be put to an end.
Others place him in the first part of the reign.
Many people came to work to the town during his reign.
His period of reign was for 16 years from 1823 to 1839.
He had a very long reign of about 62 years.
The reign of man is over, and he has come.
He may have had a second reign from 808 until perhaps 811 or 830.
King George did so in 1932, the only time he was at the service during his reign.
He died in 1988, at age 90, after a reign of 14 years and 2 months.
Little is known of his reign, and he died at an early age in 740/741.
But whether high or low they did not change throughout the reign.
Yes, government's given me free reign to work something out.
His 15 year long reign takes up about one third of the entire work.
Maybe one or two people did, right at the beginning of his reign.
This reign would be short, however, as he died only a year after.
He and his wife died without issue after a reign of ten years.
She continued to play an important role during the reign of her son.
Paul's reign did not last long as he died in 1312.
He served as King from 6 until 10 and little is known on his reign.
After her one year reign she has returned to the field of education.
On the other hand, the number of schools increased during his reign.
During the first year of his reign the great David was born.