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They want to get through the canal in the one day.
Finally, he turned, looking back up the dark canal behind them.
The canal was cut during the years 1796 to 1810.
And the canal must have been where they came from.
Turn to your left here and we'll run along the canal.
He was on the other side of the canal now.
Last week they found a man in the canal and his head was cut off.
Got no business going up and down our canal at this hour.
If you need me I'll be out by the canal bank.
The bank of the canal was at last coming into view.
He made her drive along the canal a little way.
"Word must not have come down about our party on the canal."
Well, best keep to the far side of the canal, then.
This is also a reason for recent interest in the canal.
Still, he had lived south of the Canal all his life.
Not one building on either side of the canal showed a light.
If the canal is included, 60 percent of the area will be public open space.
They then turned to their right, following the west bank of the canal.
As the canal came into view, he reached out and took her hand in his.
He always thought that the Americans would rather go to war than to give up the canal.
Where would the early economy have been without these canals?
It is part of the old canal system built in 1831.
We found a room in a hotel on the far side of the canal.
I would be found at the bottom of a canal!
"Why must we be off the canal before the sun comes up?"