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Did the first settlers come in one group or several?
She turned and held up her hands at the settlers.
He was one of the first settlers in the area.
Before long, those first settlers began looking for a new home.
The first white settlers came to the area In 1830.
Other settlers came to the area, but probably not until around 1822.
In the early years, the settlers had a difficult life.
During the next 30 years, many settlers came to live in the area.
Yes, but not any more so than settlers have ever had.
However they were not the first settlers of the area.
On the way, some of the settlers left the group.
All the first settlers of America wanted was to be left to themselves.
By then, the settlers had already started building up and over the first city.
If he were running alone, without the other left, he'd have maybe 20 percent or more of the settlers.
He had no idea what Settlers were, or why they should have their own town.
He and two other settlers made a deal to each take 1/3 of the land to live upon.
The two did not get along very well according to other settlers near them.
Let's start when the first settlers came to this land.
This time the settlers are coming to you for help.
Before long they had become settlers; their children knew no other life.
"Then how did the settlers find out what was going on?"
"Just how much help will we get from the settlers?"
You may go there and be settlers with the others.
All her efforts with the settlers would go for nothing now.
I had sent our settlers back home, for the most part.