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Rod cells are more sensitive to light, but cannot tell colors apart.
The new snapshot should help researchers figure out how rod cells respond to light.
Their reaction to stimuli is faster than that of the rod cells.
There is a purely rod cell retina by four years old.
The rod cells can also be affected by this.
On average, there are approximately 125 million rod cells in the human retina.
Rod cells receive the images that the eye sees when the light is dim, at night, or in a dark room.
The rod cells, which play an important role in night vision, are damaged early in the course of the disease.
Cone cells are less sensitive to light that rod cells.
Because light is so scarce, fish often have larger than normal, tubular eyes with only rod cells.
Peripheral vision is good at detecting motion (a feature of rod cells).
In the dark, a small light stimulus will be enhanced by the different photoreceptors (rod cells).
Rattlesnake eyes, which contain a large number of rod cells, are well adapted to nocturnal use.
Rod cells are very sensitive to light.
Green fluorescent signs can be seen better in dark conditions than other colors, as the human rod cell is more sensitive to these wavelengths.
Some of the deeper water fish have tubular eyes with big lenses and only rod cells that look upwards.
Rod cells detect shape and motion, and function in dim light.
Its retina is more pronounced with rod cells and cone cells.
Turtles are thought to have exceptional night vision due to the unusually large number of rod cells in their retinas.
More sensitive than cone cells, rod cells are almost entirely responsible for night vision.
Within the retina, rod cells provide high visual sensitivity (at the cost of acuity), being used in low light conditions.
Occurrence in rod cells may imply that they have been modified from a cone cell ancestor.
Collie - Rod cell response is nearly absent.
This allows for more rod cells in the retina, which may increase vision under low-light condition.
Your rod cells can see up to 40 times dimmer objects than cone cells, under the right conditions.