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Then he asked to start over with a new psychologist.
Psychologists have to go to school for a long time.
The psychologist had said he was good with his hands.
Well how did you come to get in a psychologist.
They called in the psychologists, and we did the only thing possible.
From 1980 to 1990, John was in private practice as a family psychologist.
These are not problems with which a psychologist would be much help.
He started a private practice and worked as a psychologist for two years.
They'll force the psychologists to answer for what they've done.
Well, he was a man of the world and a psychologist.
But I will not for one moment put up with you as a psychologist.
I am a psychologist who has worked there for seven years.
Psychologists point out that going public may not be good for everybody.
I'm saying it for the very best reason a psychologist can have.
The support services of 4 school psychologists are available to all levels.
Not by chance alone: My life as a social psychologist.
"The fall of man sure enough took place, no matter what the psychologists say."
Am sure a psychologist would have a great deal to say about this.
When the psychologist left the room, the children went to look in the box.
Social workers or psychologists can do it at lower cost.
You do not have to become a psychologist in the academic sense.
John has been put under psychologist because he was slow at school right?
"You mean other employees had to go and see your company psychologist?"
The Psychologist seemed about to speak to me, but changed his mind.