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The information is still too much like propaganda for the federal model.
When a country is not at war, propaganda can still be used.
The government may use propaganda to change what people think about a political situation.
This is not a question of propaganda or a party political campaign.
"There are programs for every social class, and we try to go easy on political propaganda."
From its very nature it can stand for no political or social propaganda.
But what's wrong with a little propaganda if it's clear what it is?
Today there is not one propaganda voice but many, including that of America.
If this is propaganda, let us have more of it.
From 1929 to 1935 he worked as the Party's propaganda officer.
During 1959-58, she was the propaganda secretary of the party.
I feel sorry for people like you who seem to buy into all the propaganda.
I agree with those who have said that propaganda will not work.
Too many of them have already been taken in by German propaganda.
You can always work the propaganda at some other, more appropriate time.
Her death was frequently used by the propaganda during the war.
He began by writing propaganda stories for the local media.
Its not exactly democratic if you use the state's resources for your own propaganda.
Some of such talk amounts to little more than propaganda.
He said this was part of the propaganda campaign against the operation.
It can therefore be considered as a form of propaganda.
Data from this study is supported by the propaganda model.
The physical attack was called off, but the propaganda war continued.
The book was an important propaganda document in the war.
In the meantime we have to put up with their propaganda.