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The big question now is where the monument will go.
A monument to his father, who had started the company in 1911?
More than 50 such monuments are known in the area.
The one here went out of business in 1997 and is a monument.
The park is also home to a number of monuments.
What did they ever do for us to have a monument?
A monument to him was put up near the school.
When we get back, you'll be able to tell them what the monument really looked like.
He went toward him and the two men moved off to the other side of the monument.
In the last week alone, he has created four national monuments.
For the most part, such places are not simply monuments.
Monuments are built to those who change the course of history.
He said part of it should be kept as a monument.
The new social order we create will be their monument.
A little monument to mark the end of each day.
"You been here long enough to see the Monument yet?"
It was not the first such monument I had seen.
Instead, people usually use monuments to tell where a certain place is.
About a million people a year visit the monument, she said.
And at least one had left a monument behind it.
The town has a small monument to him in its business district.
Most of the monument was built between 1925 and 1930.
There is also a monument to the present King's mother.
The following is a list by area of such monuments.
Plans for a monument were not taken any further, however, until 1881.