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One great problem was an inability to ask the right questions.
A major problem seems to be the inability to process information.
"The reason was the inability to understand what the Clinton program really means."
Their common ground is age and the inability to plan ahead.
I have had to face my inability to keep these from you.
They were well past their inability to have a child.
However, no one will be turned away because of an inability to pay.
And once more, the inability know what best to do.
For years, she could not understand her inability to hold on to a job.
It's just the inability to stop someone when we have to.
He has a total inability to fire someone on a movie.
And there was the same inability to close out a game.
I hold it to be evidence of their inability to reason.
It may be their inability to get to where they want to go.
It's the American public's inability to face up to the truth.
There had been for a long time an inability to believe that she was dead.
"But what I found was an inability to serve the market here."
He almost fell himself under his inability to help them.
No one would question her inability to touch a human being.
"He seems to understand your inability to believe he's here."
With distance, however, the music now seems to live in its own inability to break new ground.
But big companies have shown an inability to keep their hands off what they give to.
"What has hit me just recently is my inability to thank the people of this town," she said.
The core of the problem is his inability to work with others.
Inability to see anything to either side, above, or below eye level.