Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
Thus were created one of the first immigration control laws.
We want more money for public education, law enforcement, immigration control.
Immigration control of one form or another is imposed by most countries.
Then, in theory, you no longer need to go through immigration controls.
'It is time for you to go through immigration control.
I think you're right to link immigration control with welfare.
Also, there is an immigration control point at both sides of the bridge.
The power still remains but no longer forms an important part of internal immigration controls.
It was only in 1919 when the colonial government enforced immigration control.
The worst recent example of this, to my mind, was Cameron's speech on immigration control.
The right of abode is an individual's freedom from immigration control in a particular country.
The review identified particular weaknesses in the nation's immigration controls, officials said.
You may not be able to get Child Benefit if you're subject to 'immigration control'.
We simply cannot allow immigration control to become optional.
The population was kept stable through strict birth and immigration controls.
We oppose all immigration controls and policies which divide workers of different countries.
He went through security and, because he was travelling as a Japanese national, immigration control.
You're not subject to immigration control if any of the following applies:
In fact, not to the present day, only until 1969 but is an invaluable insight into the development of the immigration controls.
We should work toward a system that balances immigration control and the human rights of refugees."
The elements of the new department have vastly different missions, from food inspection to immigration control.
Leaders of the proposition movement here say they will next try to force Congress to pass stricter immigration controls.
The government wants to tighten immigration controls, but it does not want to be seen as anti-Semitic.
It is clear that many people are now using asylum claims as a means of evading immigration control.
He also has dealt a blow to immigration control through his stupid executive order on the amnesty situation.