The flexibility and power of the English language can lead to ambiguity in communication.
Care must be taken that the two words are not in the same case and number, because that leads to ambiguity.
He apparently was referring to ambiguity in Syria's position on support for terrorists.
Their approach to ambiguity is for the group to examine it.
The collapse of the central Government in 1991 led to ambiguity over mineral rights.
In this context, the use of the term non-white does open the door to ambiguity.
He began to wish it were lighter in the cell, so as not to give ease to ambiguity.
In a number of cases, this has led to ambiguity and to long drawn-out procedures.
The word "energy" is also used outside of physics in many ways, which can lead to ambiguity and inconsistency.
Psychological traits are strongly associated with risk but not to ambiguity.