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Hawaii, and they're just on their way to Pearl Harbour or something.
"American material manufacture got a head start before Pearl Harbour came."
On the day of the Pearl Harbour attack however his position changed radically.
This couple told me that their son had joined the armed forces the day after Pearl Harbour.
I asked my mother if there was a fifth year anniversary memorial of Pearl Harbour.
Darwin had received a heavier air raid than Pearl Harbour.
"I do not think that the emperor should visit (Pearl Harbour) in the first place.
Personally, I have never understood the strategy behind Pearl Harbour.
And the day after pearl harbour day too?
These were built after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour in 1941.
In his private papers he wrote that at Pearl Harbour isolationism died for any realist.
They arrived shortly after Pearl Harbour was bombed in December 1941.
And again it hops, hops all the way back to Pearl Harbour.
In America the repercussions of Pearl Harbour were terrific.
You were lucky that we struck at Pearl Harbour rather than at Australia.
The window hadn't opened since Pearl Harbour.
Was the flagship of the carrier fleet that attacked Pearl Harbour on December 7, 1941.
Then, on 7 December 1941, Pearl Harbour finally forced the United States into the war.
Pearl Harbour celebrations.
Skills that would later be employed in the shallow waters of Pearl Harbour in December 1941.
In 1941, Japan attacked Pearl Harbour.
After Pearl Harbour, she remained as an escort for the Japanese carrier fleet on the latter's operations in the first half of 1942.
On 7 December 1941, the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbour and America entered the now global war.
He proposed transferring the whales to a semi-wild environment (such as Pearl Harbour) in order to study them in their natural habitat.