Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
Always get a time check at the start of any flight.
For those who like a time check once in a while, it was now 9.30 hours to go and still counting down.
Two time checks had come and gone without a sign from the Enterprise.
I looked at the calendar again, this time checking the year.
Give a time check in one minute so we'll be synchronized.
At the mall, he used to spend his time checking out the girls.
"Just want to get various times checked correctly," he said.
Time checks are presented to the player at various points on each stage.
We could spend our entire time checking absolutely everything and very thoroughly.
They spent some time checking again for surveillance devices, but could find nothing.
I felt like an idiot spending time checking stock prices every day.
The result is a garbled time check with unpredictable results, he said.
They entered the mountain scene again, this time checking the side walls.
We're going to spend some time checking it out.
It was his fourth time checking over the flight plan and computer commands.
I spend more time checking than anyone could possibly imagine."
That afternoon, Gabriel spent a long time checking his tail.
In the next half hour he went through a good quarter of the brandy, several times checking with the mirror.
"Next time check the power readouts on the board rather than simply firing the weapons."
He spent most of his time checking out websites on the computer Billy had bought them.
When Nigel came back he usually spent some time checking his pulse rate.
Yet eventually such interference by Algiers was each time checked.
He was forgetting all about the time checks in the enthusiasm that swept him.
"Computer, give me a time check every twenty seconds until hull degradation."
I didn't spend a great deal of time checking over the flyer.