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January 16th Bonded in tie wrap holders onto the base of the fuselage.
Where the holes are drilled I'll be fitting tie wrap plates to secure the cables.
At each location where a tie wrap is used I applied a small piece of self amalgamating tape was to provide a buffer.
Bowen looped a tie wrap on two cables to relieve the snag and completed the task in less than 30 minutes, while Good began work with the batteries.
Both males had guns, and bound the hands and feet of the one employee and four patrons with what was described as plastic tie wrap, a wrap used to bind wires.
For him a fur leopard skin print loincloth pouch and head band and for her a fur leather skin print bra top and G-string brief and waist tied wrap.
After the head is off, keep the tie wraps on the pushrods (unless you need to service them, of course), so you can tell the left pair from the right pair by the direction that the end of the tie wrap is pointing.
Secure it with a tie wrap, and load it into the arms of a neighbour.