Although the picture strip had been taken from thousands of miles up, the three-dimensional illusion now appeared to hang just beyond and above the stage.
By using computer programs or a simplified geometry to create their illusions they are able to approximate the effect of Wenner's three-dimensional illusion.
The equipment required to produce the full three-dimensional illusion of virtual reality is still expensive and unwieldy.
They are usually done in white (sometimes, red or yellow) dots on black background, presenting an almost three-dimensional illusion of space and depth.
The same technique allows animation and realistic three-dimensional illusions without affecting the product in any other way.
Then I saw what it was: a three-dimensional illusion.
Now, he most likes to juxtapose textures and three-dimensional illusion.
In order to increase the three-dimensional illusion, he carefully modulated the transparency of the white porcelain.
Others were broadcast as three-dimensional illusions, like holovision sets arbitrarily large.
At the moment, of course, the holodeck was just a big, empty room waiting to be filled with three-dimensional illusions.