Kentucky, Nebraska, New York and North Dakota sent coupons - in New York's case, a thick booklet.
"I will be using the name Ruth Levy-" and she picked up the thick booklet of airline tickets, and I have decided to go back to Jerusalem.
Simon Winchester, in The Surgeon of Crowthorne, cites a specific number, defining quire as "a booklet eight pages thick."
On her desk was a thick booklet with a red binding, with the words: "The 20th Party Congress, the speech of Comrade Khrushchev."
There were a big bunch of thick booklets, with all these actuarial tables, and no one understood them.
Nick scooped up the thick booklet.
Before me is a thick booklet from the State Education Department.
The company was praised by DVD collectors for the amount of effort that went into its releases, which included thick booklets and plenty of special features.
Included is also an extremely thick booklet, full of photos.
He folded the paper into a quire, a booklet eight pages thick.