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Right now, the current generation of thermoelectric materials is almost, but not quite, efficient enough to make economic sense.
The government wants to grant concessions to industry to build 49 thermoelectric plants.
Thermoelectric emissions have gone off the scale of their instrumentation.
It can also be used as a thermoelectric material, in which waste energy is converted into electricity.
This meant that a project for a new thermoelectric power station would be denied, since it opposed the law.
It would use thermoelectric generators to turn heat from the reactor into electrical energy.
Here you can see a small thermoelectric refrigerator, which cools this plate.
Operating in reverse, thermoelectric devices can also be used as refrigerators.
A thermoelectric device creates voltage when there is a different temperature on each side.
In an actual thermoelectric device, two materials are used.
Reactor heat fed a thermoelectric conversion system for electrical production.
Often, more than one of the above effects is involved in the operation of a real thermoelectric device.
This is now known as the thermoelectric effect or Seebeck effect.
The thermoelectric elements convert the heat energy from the isotope into electricity.
Harvesting that heat energy, using a thermoelectric generator, can increase the fuel efficiency of the car.
Current commercial thermoelectric devices, at 10 percent efficiency, get only one-fifth the maximum.
This restriction was caused by the low conversion efficiency of thermoelectric materials at that time.
Only some of the Brazilian's thermoelectric use natural gas as fuel so they are polluting significantly more.
This contributes to the already present thermoelectric field.
Then heat is scavenged for thermoelectric generation in support of ancillary systems.
It was powered by a radio-isotope thermoelectric generator, still running at 23 percent capacity.
Much of the reason for this is the existence of a refinery and a thermoelectric plant.
It also has good performance as a thermoelectric material, partly due to a low thermal conductivity.
It is a heat source in radioisotope thermoelectric generators, which are used to power some spacecraft.
The thermoelectric cooler is placed below the surface acoustic wave device.