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This has not always been the stuff of politics; it is now.
Quite apart from the dubious process by which these scientists are selected, such consensus is the stuff of politics, not of science.
That is the stuff of politics.
Ifs and buts are the stuff of politics, Mr. Parkinson.
For these comrades the stuff of politics is routine trade unionism on the one hand and on the other a vanished or disembodied utopia.
Last-minute controversies before conventions, Mr. Dukakis said in Boston, are "the stuff of politics."
Robert Skidelsky: While the creditor-debtor conflict has always been the stuff of politics, that relationship embodies no iron law of morality
"As I looked at all kinds of technological systems, it seemed to me that the stuff of politics is almost always built into them," Dr. Winner said.
And she brushes aside the notion that the needs of the family are not the stuff of politics, arguing that the country no longer requires the "warrior hero leaders" of the past.
This topic, these people and their suffering is potentially the stuff of politics, populist politics on the ground and - as our debate here also shows - sadly also of European populism.
However, whether we have a single party minority government, or a two or more party coalition government, the stuff of politics will still be about deciding, as Harold Lasswell memorably put it, "who gets what, when and how."
Boring substantive challenges can be seen off, and soaring rhetoric that says nothing is the stuff of politics, but having a point and knowing how to make it will always raise bellows from the defenders of the gored sacred cow.
Painted in the months after Marat's murder, it has been described by T. J. Clark as the first modernist painting, for "the way it took the stuff of politics as its material, and did not transmute it".
'The Stuff of Politics' Some of Mr. Dukakis's supporters have been frustrated over Mr. Jackson's dominance of the news coverage just before a convention that will be their best opportunity yet to reach a mass audience.
Coming into office in the fall of 1993, we fully expected to find a nasty fiscal situation -- the combination of misplaced priorities, which is the stuff of politics, and compound interest, the stuff of the inexorable laws of arithmetic.