Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
Between 1993 and 1997 she served as a judge on the State Tribunal.
"In such cases only the State Tribunal can decide."
He was a member of the State Tribunal of Poland from 1925.
His two deputies and 16 members of the State Tribunal are chosen from outside the Sejm.
Legally, the council of ministers is also held accountable to the State Tribunal for infringements upon the constitution or other legal statues.
He served as a judge of the State Tribunal of the Republic of Poland.
For General Jaruzelski, 72, to go before the State Tribunal, the Parliament would have to vote for him to be tried.
He also served as the Vice President of the State Tribunal of the Republic of Poland on two occasions (1989-1991, 2005-2006).
The judge ruled that another of the accused, Kazimierz Switala, who was then Interior Minister, also had to be tried before the State Tribunal.
Róża Żarska - lawyer and former member of the State Tribunal of the Republic of Poland, died on July, 2011 in Moscow.
Members of the State Tribunal must hold Polish citizenship, may not have a criminal record or have had their civic rights revoked, nor may they be employed in the state administration.
In the State Tribunal Brody commune was represented by Dr Heinrich Jaques (1831-1894), who published the memorial on the situation of Jews in Austria in 1859.
In Poland, referral to the State Tribunal is used instead of the process of impeachment, which is traditionally used in other nations as a way of addressing similar allegations against persons holding analogous offices.
In 1980, the Supreme Administrative Court was introduced, and in 1982, the State Tribunal (which also existed in the Second Polish Republic), Constitutional Tribunal and the Ombudsman were introduced.
The composition of the State Tribunal is established at the first sitting of each new Sejm and is binding for its term (with the exception that the head of the office is Chief Justice, appointed by President for a six-year term).
Upon a motion by either the president or by 115 deputies, a member of the cabinet can be charged to be brought forth to the State Tribunal, and then require the approval of at least three-fifths of all Sejm deputies to begin the proceedings.
It also chose many other government officials, including the head of The Supreme Chamber of Control and members of the State Tribunal and the Constitutional Tribunal, as well as the Ombudsman (the last three bodies of which were created in the 1980s).
Accused of misuse of government funds, Czechowicz was the only Polish politician of the interwar period that faced the State Tribunal of the Republic of Poland; the case was dropped without ruling due to pressure from the Sanacja regime.
On May 4, 2011 the casino had been shut down by the municipality for failure to obtain permits for expanding the premises, reopening its doors on May 31 due to an appeal by its owners to the State Tribunal for Administrative Litigation, claiming that the works were for remodelling.
The alleged constitutional and international law trespasses took place when Leszek Miller, presently member of parliament and leader of the Democratic Left Alliance, was Prime Minister (2001-2004), and he may also be subjected to future legal action (a trial before the State Tribunal of the Republic of Poland).
Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
Between 1993 and 1997 she served as a judge on the State Tribunal.
"In such cases only the State Tribunal can decide."
He was a member of the State Tribunal of Poland from 1925.
In 2002 a state tribunal in Puebla finally ordered that the priest be arrested for the "corruption of minors."
His two deputies and 16 members of the State Tribunal are chosen from outside the Sejm.
Legally, the council of ministers is also held accountable to the State Tribunal for infringements upon the constitution or other legal statues.
It was also adopted by some state tribunals and was in use in some states during the 1980s.
"We shall never immolate truth, justice, and the law, because a state tribunal has erected the altar and decreed the sacrifice."
But early this year, the city government was awaiting the outcome of its appeal to the State Supreme Court, the highest state tribunal.
Obligations sacred to law are not to be destroyed simply because 'a state tribunal has erected the altar and decreed the sacrifice.'"
He served as a judge of the State Tribunal of the Republic of Poland.
It is unquestioned that the Federal Government retains its own immunity from suit not only in state tribunals but also in its own courts.
For General Jaruzelski, 72, to go before the State Tribunal, the Parliament would have to vote for him to be tried.
He also served as the Vice President of the State Tribunal of the Republic of Poland on two occasions (1989-1991, 2005-2006).
The judge ruled that another of the accused, Kazimierz Switala, who was then Interior Minister, also had to be tried before the State Tribunal.
A extreme right-wing parliament member, Rehavam Zeevi, even vowed to bring Mr. Rabin to justice before a state tribunal.
Sejm also elected from its deputies the judges for the Sejm court (a precursor for the modern State Tribunal of Poland).
This state court enthusiasm for expanding rights should be taken into account when considering the need for Federal courts to look over the shoulders of state tribunals for habeas review.
The Sejm passed a proposal to bring Czechowicz before the Polish State Tribunal, but did not venture to bring Piłsudski himself to account for it.
Róża Żarska - lawyer and former member of the State Tribunal of the Republic of Poland, died on July, 2011 in Moscow.
Members of the State Tribunal must hold Polish citizenship, may not have a criminal record or have had their civic rights revoked, nor may they be employed in the state administration.
In the State Tribunal Brody commune was represented by Dr Heinrich Jaques (1831-1894), who published the memorial on the situation of Jews in Austria in 1859.
Therefore tribunals (such as the Constitutional Tribunal and State Tribunal) are, in a strict definition, not part of Polish judiciary, but in a broad definition, they are included in it.
In Poland, referral to the State Tribunal is used instead of the process of impeachment, which is traditionally used in other nations as a way of addressing similar allegations against persons holding analogous offices.
In 1980, the Supreme Administrative Court was introduced, and in 1982, the State Tribunal (which also existed in the Second Polish Republic), Constitutional Tribunal and the Ombudsman were introduced.
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