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The graveyard was not so very far from the old Bailey garden.
I'd read about the Old Bailey and that sort of thing.
"You never really expected to see me in the Old Bailey?"
The room was simple, not like the high court in the Old Bailey.
The trial took place at the Old Bailey in 2010.
They walked very close together and gave the old Bailey garden a wide berth.
Old Bailey was not, intrinsically, one of those people put in the world to tell jokes.
My husband was on a very high profile case for 3 months at the Old Bailey.
Both men were committed for trial at the Old Bailey.
This film collection was the cause of a court case at the Old Bailey in 1979.
The four women victims involved in the Old Bailey trial were not the end of the story.
Never before at the Old Bailey had such a long and expensive trial taken place.
That statue really needs to come off the top of the Old Bailey.
I got an awful scare up there at the old Bailey place."
Old Bailey reached into his pocket and pulled out the black rat, who had gone to sleep.
"I have just come from the Old Bailey," he began.
We had that man before us at the Old Bailey."
Faith looked fearfully up the valley to the old Bailey garden.
The Old Bailey trial lasted 111 days, a new legal record.
In 1997 she was made a senior circuit judge at the Old Bailey.
There is a stone statue of her in the Old Bailey.
It was one of the biggest trials seen at the Old Bailey.
Warren was tried at the Old Bailey, about a month after his arrest.
Wild's office in the Old Bailey was a busy spot.
He was found guilty of fraud at the Old Bailey and given eight years.