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I believe they even have green parties in other countries too.
The problem is that most people don't know what the Green party stands for.
Green Party officials refused the offer, saying they did not want to be used.
Environmental groups and the Green party supported them in this.
Green parties were the most recent of the major party groups to develop.
Even the Green party pointed out that it wasn't a great idea.
She was the only Green party candidate to be elected.
It is also an important element behind support for the Green parties.
As a result the Green party also withdrew his second minister from government.
In the 1980s the green parties that were created a decade before began to have some political success.
She came into contact with the Green party on election campaign tours.
There is a growing level of global cooperation between Green parties.
"I'm the Green party's local political agent for the year."
The Green party was able to slightly increase its percentage of the vote in this election.
But they still plan to side with the Green Party.
Nor has the Green party been absent from the couch.
The Green Party has never looked better than it does today.
This led to a great deal of bad feeling from the Green Party.
Around the world, individuals have formed many Green parties over the last thirty years.
The Green parties are a political branch of the ecology movement.
It is a part of the national Green Party movement.
This later gave the Green Party the opportunity to support either side.
Nine provinces and one territory have an active Green party.
"The question after the campaign was: is there a reason to go back to the Green Party?"
The Green Party also held a primary - its first ever in the state.