What do they do, give you a sobriety test at the door?
Who needs a sobriety test on the way down?
She was pulled over a few minutes later and failed a sobriety test.
When another officer spotted the car and stopped it, Vick failed a sobriety test.
Brent later failed a sobriety test and would face 2 to 20 years in prison if convicted.
Sterling had Kraft perform a sobriety test, which he failed.
But, it said, police officers at the scene were not allowed by their supervisors to perform a sobriety test.
Investigators who administered a sobriety test found no presence of alcohol, the police said.
He refused to undergo a sobriety test, so the police obtained a court order to draw his blood.
In most states, however, the police must have reasonable grounds for administering a sobriety test.