Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
The pieces has a total of 74 measures and is in ternary form.
Each movement is in ternary form, having a contrasting middle section.
The resulting structure of the piece is generally in ternary form.
The second movement is a ternary variation form in D major and 6/8 time.
The above picture is a balanced ternary search tree for the same set of 12 words.
The repetition of any section results in expanded ternary form.
As of 2008, there is no definitive evidence that the three stars form a ternary star system.
The theme itself is fairly extended and in ternary form.
The movement of ternary form ends by melting into dream.
The first movement is in ternary form with introduction.
All forms of an alloy having three constituents are called a ternary system.
However, the predictions of structure are more difficult for ternary oxides.
The movement is presented in ternary form, another neoclassical influence.
The two ternary plots are then projected onto a diamond.
At this level ternary relations or binary operations can be represented.
In 2008, it was discovered to be a ternary asteroid, having two small moons.
These results demonstrated that the formation of a functional ternary complex is not possible.
The form of the third movement is a ternary scherzo and trio.
Such a homeomorphism is given by ternary notation of numbers.
One possible way this could happen is by combining an optical computer with the ternary logic system.
These metals also form a ternary composite with carbon being the third component.
The performance of these complex, ternary systems is controlled by their morphology.
Every point on a ternary plot represents a different composition of the three components.
The running time of ternary search trees varies significantly with the input.
These advantages make some calculations more efficient in ternary than binary.