You can learn ways to help the person with behavioral therapy.
Most patients can get better with medications or behavioral therapy.
Behavioral therapy is aimed at teaching these children how to learn.
Behavioral therapy and/or medicines can be used in these cases.
Behavioral therapy aims to help a child change his or her behavior.
They began getting better socialization and behavioral therapy in public school special education programs.
Should I also consider behavioral therapy in addition to medication?
The current treatment that has been most effective is cognitive behavioral therapy.
Behavioral therapy can be used to improve the child's sensitivity in some cases.
Behavioral therapy also teaches a child how to monitor his or her own behavior.
Behavior therapy can help your child understand why he or she acts a certain way.
The 84-patient study, compared the behavior therapy with the standard treatment.
They may be used alone or in combination with behavior therapy.
In behavior therapy, environmental events predict the way we think and feel.
Many of these areas are specified in the section on behavior therapy.
Your child may also benefit from counseling, behavior therapy, or social skills training.
The most successful long-term treatment results have been achieved with behavior therapy.
Behavior therapy is often the first course of treatment.
A complex approach including medication, behavior therapy, and parent education may be the most effective.
Salter is considered by many to be the "father of behavior therapy".