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We had the feeling of being alone at the head of a division advancing tempestuously.
But in the tunnel a cold, wet draught tempestuously blew.
So filled with conflicts, yet so tempestuously sure of her opinions.
Maria inserted tempestuously, suddenly understanding that much quite instinctively.
Louise writhed tempestuously below him, and he began a slow, provocative stroke.
The words fell from her lips tempestuously, the key with which she opened up the inner chambers of her need.
Maria demanded tempestuously, hatred fully alive again now.
She sprang past her and embraced Marigold tempestuously.
Tempestuously, the only too real-seeming apparition bit her resisting lover on his earlobes.
Their courtship goes well until he shows up at the wedding drunk, and dressed as a woman, starting their marriage out tempestuously.
But the accent was on theatricality and artifice here, in familiar characterizations that nonetheless tempestuously swept everything before them.
Maria added tempestuously, her pride rebelling.
It was tempestuously emphatic.
She wept as tempestuously and unreasoningly as youth weeps, although she was not young.
Said he during one meeting with De Groot: 'The tides of history run tempestuously.
A shadow fronted him tempestuously.
He released her wrists, his hands massaging both tenderly and tempestuously through the splay of her hair.
'I owe you nothing!' she retorted tempestuously.
Suddenly Dorilys was only a little girl again, clasped in Renata's arms, sobbing tempestuously.
Oenone thought tempestuously.
'Aren't you ashamed?' she demanded tempestuously - masochistically too, she realised.
Mullon shouted tempestuously.
Streams of dashes, arcing lines and colored forms swirl tempestuously in the broad pictorial space of her compositions.
Disturbed, he flogged his steeds, flew tempestuously he knew not where, seeking he knew not what.
The canal water was boiling tempestuously as it flowed under the door, dipping down sharply; and he was racing towards it at a hazardous rate.