He stepped around her to set the temperature controls inside the ancient refrigerator.
While not temperature controlled, these molds can run nearly as fast as cast or machined aluminium, yet at a substantially lower price point.
The BTC provide secure, temperature controlled bicycle storage and a full service repair.
This area will be enclosed and temperature controlled.
The room was cool, its temperature controlled by an elaborate thermostat that maintained the exact temperature the President wanted.
How Camping Works Our homes are so cozy and temperature controlled.
Facility management includes using disinfectants and ambient temperature to control viruses in the environment.
Note that the fugacity or chemical potential controls the number of particles in a system, analogous to how the temperature controls the energy.
He'd adjusted his temperature controls twice, but he was still fogging, and it was hard enough to see as it was.
The temperature and the surface area of a closed-basin lake primarily control the amount of water evaporated from the lake.