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Technology infrastructure design addresses the telecommunications cabling systems that run throughout data centers.
TAT-14 is the 14th consortium transatlantic telecommunications cable system.
Application - A system, the transmission method of which is supported by a telecommunications cabling system.
ACA standard - integrated telecommunications cabling systems for commercial premises.
Pangea is a submarine telecommunications cable system transiting the North Sea.
Purpose: To specify a generic voice and data telecommunications cabling system that will support a multi-product, multi-vendor environment.
Work on the standard began with the EIA, to define standards for telecommunications cabling systems.
PC-1, a submarine telecommunications cable system (Pacific Crossing 1)
"Telecommunications Cabling Systems in Commercial Buildings"
Generic Cabling A structured telecommunications cabling system, capable of supporting a wide range of applications.
The applicant has been awarded a four-year contract to repair and maintain the Hibernia Atlantic submarine fibre optic telecommunications cable system.
MedNautilus is a submarine telecommunications cable system linking countries bordering the Eastern/Central Mediterranean Sea.
Tangerine is a submarine telecommunications cable system segment crossing the English Channel linking the United Kingdom and Belgium.
Concerto 1 is a submarine telecommunications cable system in the North Sea connecting the UK, Netherlands and Belgium.
A submarine branching unit is a piece of equipment used in submarine telecommunications cable systems to allow the cable to split to serve more than one destination.
Atlantic Crossing 1 (AC-1) is an optical submarine telecommunications cable system linking the USA and three European countries.
EAC-C2C is a submarine telecommunications cable system interconnecting several countries in Asia, the Pacific, and the United States.
ODIN was a submarine telecommunications cable system linking the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, and Sweden.
LEV is a submarine telecommunications cable system in the Mediterranean Sea linking Italy, Cyprus and Israel.
ITUR or Italy - Turkey - Ukraine - Russia is a submarine telecommunications cable system linking the aforementioned countries.
GlobeNet is a submarine telecommunications cable system linking the USA, Bermuda, Colombia, Venezuela and Brazil.
Horizontal cabling is the portion of the telecommunications cabling system that extends from the work area telecommunications outlet to the horizontal cross-connect in the telecommunication room.
APCN or Asia-Pacific Cable Network is a submarine telecommunications cable system linking nine Asian countries.
RIOJA-1 was a submarine telecommunications cable system linking the United Kingdom and Spain across the North Atlantic Ocean.
Yellow / AC-2 (Atlantic Crossing 2) is a submarine telecommunications cable system linking the USA and the UK.