What would have happened if the irresponsible teenagers hadn't stolen the car and swilled so much booze that the driver went off a bridge?
The teenager turned slowly and stole a sideways look at the door.
Couples kiss, kids play, and teenagers steal and destroy a car in this monochrome piece and the audio also uses the vinyl edit.
The teenagers stole guns and jewelry and raced away in a minivan.
A determinedly murderous American teenager can probably buy or steal a handgun far more easily than he can brew fake "napalm" in the kitchen sink.
A teenager steals a plane and flies into a skyscraper in Tampa, sailing unimpeded through restricted airspace over an Air Force base.
Now the teenagers steal it to buy what they can, to watch videos at someone's house or buy cigarettes or liquor.
Three teenagers broke into the construction site on July 7, 1989; stole tools; and broke the glass on the cab of a crane before being arrested.
About six months ago, a teenager broke into a back window and stole a computer.
Some district officials and residents contend that teenagers are stealing vehicles with impunity, knowing that the police cannot pursue them at high speeds.