Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
Let me see if I can remember the technical names.
I don't know the technical name for the machine now.
The technical name for this impossible object is the 3-sphere.
Okay and in fact I've given you part of your homework is to write out the technical names.
Although each of the parries had a technical name, I could remember them only as high, low and middle.
Hypermetropia is the technical name for a problem that may happen with the human eye.
This is the technical name for people's desire to find information that agrees with their existing view.
The technical name for the charge is petty theft with a prior.
"Many people want to know the technical names of the plants but we don't know."
His team's technical name for the condition is stress cardiomyopathy.
Is there some kind of technical name for it?"
The technical name for a loan or advance of pay was musaadat.
The risk of myocardial infarction, the technical name for heart attack, was cut almost in half.
The device - sphygmomanometer is its technical name - was long considered the gold standard in the medical field.
The technical name for your problem is frequent urination.
Give its technical name so that everybody would instantly realize his easy familiarity with the whole set-up.
He couldn't remember its technical name, although he knew that it was called the "zombie drug."
Newspaper people have a technical name for this kind of hands-on, in-depth, no-nonsense research.
This ring fort, to give the little earthwork its technical name, was one of a number starting to appear on the island.
IDE is actually not the true technical name for the interface standard.
The technical name for such an outburst is "tantrum."
The rest is aggregate, the technical name for the fine gravel used in asphalt, and the solvent.
The technical name for this sort of accidental killing is not murder, but manslaughter, by the way."
I realized that I didn't know the hormone's chemical formula or even its technical name.
Don't, can't remember whether we actually any of the technical names of the of the scale before?