In 2011 it was designated as a teaching school.
On 28 January 1875, the community opened their first primary teaching school, although by 1852 some level of teaching had already existed in the parish.
For eight years Speed continued teaching school, but then left that profession to devote full-time to his art.
The building was constructed in 1915 to serve as a teaching school.
As there were no schools, the pastor, when his duties allowed, and his wife started a teaching school.
After several years of teaching school and studying law, he was admitted to the bar in 1812.
The major teaching schools of the university along with the departments under them are:
For twelve years he was employed at a teaching school, and was also a farmer.
The first year was composed of women only due to the fact that it was made as a teaching school.
While Gray was engaged teaching school, his father bought a toy store in Detroit.