The study found taxpayers could save $4,546,153 across both districts.
In the first year, taxpayers would save an average of $73.
Thus, even with $153,000 in legal fees, she said, taxpayers saved more than $500,000.
"It's not a matter of money, although the taxpayers will save money," he said.
For every dollar spent on child care and education, Honeywell officials say, the taxpayer saves $6.
All told, taxpayers have saved more than $100 million.
His big theme is that the average taxpayer would save $1,600 a year.
Every day public sector workers strike, they don't get paid and the taxpayer saves money.
Such incentives have failed in the past to motivate most taxpayers to save much, and they won't work now.
If sabbatical leave for faculty were eliminated, taxpayers would save $17 million a year.