"It will never be acceptable for people to break our laws and then expect taxpayers to provide health care."
Currently, the claim rests on whether the taxpayer provided more than half the child's support.
Over the past ten years, however, the taxpayers have provided substantial resources to the schools through bonds to improve school facilities.
Come on, three flights up, and I'm afraid the taxpayer doesn't provide us with a lift.
Freedom of the press does not require taxpayers to provide printing presses to individuals.
This guarantee would encourage taxpayers to provide the most complete documentation when filing.
A tax professional or a computer program can fill out the forms and do the calculations, but only after taxpayers provide the data.
We taxpayers provide 65% of this amount and vessel owners 35%.
So this year, the taxpayers provide a $270 million subsidy.
"How do we produce more learning for students with the resources our taxpayers can provide?"