He has commissioned a study to examine the sustainability of the current divided system and questioned whether the taxpayer should continue to subsidise separate colleges.
But until lawmakers come up with another plan, taxpayers will continue to pay the unconstitutional tax.
Police departments, the military, and special occupational taxpayers (15) continued to buy, for they were exempt from the tax.
Does history have to continue to repeat itself, and should taxpayers continue to allow this to happen?
And for the foreseeable future, the German taxpayer will continue to foot an unwelcome bill.
Under the effort to introduce greater reliance on private accounts, all British taxpayers continued to contribute to the basic government pension plan.
It's harder to fathom why, when Congress ought to be trying to trim spending, taxpayers should continue to pay for this self-promotion.
If not, the taxpayers in the Member States would simply continue to be taken for a ride.
Meanwhile the taxpayers and innocent pupils will continue to suffer.
It would require taxpayers to continue to struggle with questions of defining personal income and verifying deductions.