Normally, recreational facilities in a common ownership community cannot be taxed separately since their value is considered part of the assessment placed on the individual units.
It applies to all tobacco products other than cigarettes, which are taxed separately.
Under the Act, neither inherits the other's estate, each is taxed separately, and their heirs inherit both estates once.
In a condominium, each unit is taxed separately, and owners pay for their own mortgages, if they have one.
Does that cover Medicare, Social security, other things that we're currently taxed separately for?
As from April 1990 husbands and wives will be taxed separately.
These gains are not added to other income but are taxed separately.
Each category is taxed separately and has its own computational rules.
Each of these smeltings was taxed separately until 1303 when they were replaced by a single tax on the finished product.
There is therefore no need for the trust to be taxed separately on creation.