A little tattered fragment of cloud, high in the air, caught fire from the hidden sun, and Joseph fell asleep while he watched it.
Within moments, the tattered fragments of the clouds are gone, and the waves subside, the air fresh with the memory of rain.
Then he rips away these tattered fragments of fabric.
A fine secret must that be of which twelve or fifteen persons hold the tattered fragments!
One in the first row and two hi the second had been burned; only the frames remained, tattered fragments of leather clinging to them.
I grasped at the tattered fragments of it.
The fabric was ripped and stained with blood, hanging from the man's body in tattered, filthy fragments.
Complete texts of forbidden gospels, not just the tattered fragments of those found near the Dead Sea.
The hood bulged, flashed, was whirled off in a dozen tattered fragments of red flesh and glittering metal.