A study of actuarial tables estimated that $1.25 billion was needed to pay those still living.
"And one doesn't need to study the actuarial tables to know there isn't a lot of time for that."
I don't have the actuarial tables in front of me.
These are taken from actuarial tables, and has nothing to do with how long people actually live.
A 35-year-old woman would pay $118, the higher premium based on actuarial tables showing that women live longer than men.
Somewhere in my books, there must be an actuarial table that will give me a few more years and reduce the pace required.
He observed it all, a kid who had put one over on the actuarial tables of baseball.
Another official said, "I'm sure she's looked at the actuarial tables for her job."
Some of us love to swim with numbers - from the federal budget to actuarial tables.
Mr. Bush clearly has the actuarial tables on his side.