Travel by people was limited to river routes until about the 14th century; roads and bridges appeared much later.
The river route is nostalgic and scenic, so it has had a lot of political inertia.
On January 25, 1929, the bicentennial commission decided the highway should follow the river route.
Riders sit in rafts as the current pulls them around the river route.
Until about the 14th century, travel through the woodland was limited to river routes; roads and bridges appeared much later.
With more industrial growth along the river routes, this flood was the first to wreck wealthy industry investors.
Meaningful for individual communities, river routes affected whole regions as well.
Due to its location right beside some main river routes, Dhaka was an important center for business.
This plant usually found along the river tradational route before road are developed.
At present they were traders, on the Russian river route.