It has detrimental effect on plants and causes their death.
They are thought to often have detrimental effects on native species.
Perhaps we are still too close to our origins to be free of their detrimental effects.
This action could have detrimental effects on the child's future development.
Which has a detrimental effect on both research and teaching, of course.
Regardless of when the road was built, it had a detrimental effect on the town.
This has had a detrimental effect on the lighting levels.
That will have a massive detrimental on effect their lives.
I believe that in actual fact this is having a detrimental effect.
This must surely have had a detrimental effect on local production.
Other studies have found an independent association of child sexual abuse with adverse psychological outcomes.
Error is not uncommon in health care and can have adverse outcomes.
One concern about depression in pregnancy is adverse outcomes to the baby, she said.
Using variables available in the emergency room, people with a higher risk of adverse outcome can be identified.
We view this as a new way of looking at adverse outcomes.
At one year, there is a relative risk of 2.3 for adverse outcomes.
There may be several breakdowns in processes to allow one adverse outcome.
However, research suggests that, for the most part, these adverse outcomes do not occur.
If you continue to fail, however, you'll go down the list of adverse outcomes.
Income inequality is also associated with adverse outcomes for society as a whole.