The next two give a more blow-by-blow account of mounting economic difficulties.
You can read my blow-by-blow account of Tuesday evening's events here (the action starts at 3.38pm).
It usually starts by giving a blow-by-blow account on what really happened, and why did it happen.
He launched into a blow-by-blow account of the moves he had made.
Besides, if I gave a blow-by-blow account of everything nobody would believe it.
But student Web sites kept the country informed with nearly blow-by-blow accounts of events each night.
While a blow-by-blow account of the legal battle could fill several case books, the turning points are clear.
He also gave a blow-by-blow account of how he believes the state has contributed to the city's problems over the years.
He could be a bombastic sort, and she didn't really want to hear a blow-by-blow account of some bar fight.
In fact, he made me give him a blow-by-blow account of the game.
The hearings produced detailed testimony from wealthy donors, campaign fund raisers and candidates.
When the day comes, Coetzee may read into the court record his own detailed testimony, prepared in exile.
Three other men, two senior officers and a soldier in a firing squad, pleaded guilty and provided detailed testimony.
See the Lodge Committee for detailed testimony of the use of the water cure.
It also means there has been extensive and detailed testimony about the injuries and what they indicate.
The decision followed detailed testimony from both sides this summer and fell to a three-member employment tribunal in the southern suburbs of London.
We have been most impressed by your detailed and extremely interesting testimony.
"You don't give that sort of detailed testimony to the entire House Foreign Affairs committee and a dozen staffers without reason."
He does not ask for their names or for detailed testimony.
Oral debriefing is the interview process of obtaining detailed verbal testimony from individuals.