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It seems to open up the possibility of synthesizing more elements beyond this."
Lots of effort went into synthesizing the heat-dissipation system.
The Haber process, the method of synthesizing ammonia from hydrogen and nitrogen.
There are theoretical and experimental opportunities for synthesizing similar whisker arrays in other systems.
"A system for synthesizing his own food, using the ship's meals we sent him as raw material, plus some of my reagents.
The host is capable of synthesizing combinations of responses according to a weighted table of opportunity.
Humans and animals are mostly incapable of synthesizing carotenoids, and must obtain them through their diet.
The glass formed in an accidental reaction when the scientists were synthesizing graphene on copper-covered quartz.
It was somehow longer term than the electronic records: it had the advantage of not just recording, but of synthesizing after reflection.
This description is created by synthesizing the HDL to a low gate level net-list.
Requiring five reactions starting from indole, all of which are reasonably high yielding, this is an effective method for synthesizing yeuhchukene.
The second phase to synthesizing tryptophan itself from the 5-hydroxytryptophan intermediate would require adding ethanol and water, and letting sit for 30 days this time.
After synthesizing a few of these monsters, a new synth will happen right afterwards automatically, making a demon book monster that knows said monsters skills.
Most computational neuroscientists collaborate closely with experimentalists in analyzing novel data and synthesizing new models of biological phenomena.
Catalina or graphic analog converter (1967): capable of synthesizing sounds following a analog score by a video camera.
His results synthesizing insulin were achieved almost simultaneously with that of Panayotis Katsoyannis at the University of Pittsburgh.
Thus, Delsarte's technique reflects a concern for synthesizing the chaotic, unpredictable, irrational aspects of art-making with the tradition of making disciplined, representational images.
After synthesizing AZT, Dr. Horwitz went on to create many successful treatments for cancer and other diseases.
Sinewave synthesis, or sine wave speech, is a technique for synthesizing speech by replacing the formants (main bands of energy) with pure tone whistles.
A new method of synthesizing inorganic Janus nanoparticles by phase separation has recently been developed by Zhao and Gao.
By synthesizing the sense of touch, the drug produces a disjointed series of sensations that slowly allow Eric to remember his former life as a clandestine chemist.
In connection with building the Borexino solar neutrino observatory, petroleum feedstock (for synthesizing the primary scintillant) was obtained with low C content.
During DNA replication of circular bacterial genomes, multiple proteins are involved in synthesizing the leading strand, and the Okazaki fragments on the lagging strand.
Along with Whyte, he is credited with successfully synthesizing jangle pop and American rockabilly to create a new sound for Morrissey that helped to revitalize his career.
As topoisomerases play a key role in managing DNA topology, the malignant cells are less successful in synthesizing or replicating their own DNA.
European archaeology had rapidly expanded during the 1950s, leading to increasing specialisation and making the synthesising that Childe was known for increasingly difficult.
The synthesising of the call means that only one bat call can be reproduced at a time and a muddle is caused by simultaneous calls.
Thus philosophy would come to an end as the synthesising and self-actualising activity of the spirit now took the form of creative practical activity.
Its soothing atmosphere is ideally suited to those artists whose work has the power of illumination, synthesising matter and thought: Spalletti, Mucha, Therrien, Baumgarten.
According to the central dogma of molecular biology, when synthesising a protein, a gene's DNA is transcribed into mRNA which is then translated into protein.
The problem, he said, was that few universities possessed the breadth of top researchers necessary to generate wisdom, which required the "synthesising and contrasting of the knowledge, perspectives and methodologies of different disciplines"."
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At any rate it took a long time to synthesize.
I need time to understand and to synthesize everything you're telling me.
Some of these structures would be synthesized in the following years.
No elements past 118 have been synthesized as of 2012.
The difficult part is knowing how to use and synthesize new knowledge.
The game synthesizes the picture down to its base color.
The scene around you was synthesized from your own memories.
"No one has ever synthesized a living organism from the ground up."
It could be synthesized, and already had been in federal experiments.
The study synthesizes the results of several studies into a statistical model.
The body needs these fats, yet cannot synthesize them on its own.
The work plan for 2008-2009 was synthesized out of this document.
But one puzzle has been where the group could synthesize the gas.
The material has been considered difficult to produce and could not be synthesized for many years.
There was no way she could synthesize the growth hormone I needed.
New chemicals synthesized by man were found sometimes to have effects on the mind.
Then a computer synthesizes all this information for a greeting.
It can't be synthesized by a man in the middle.
It is a way to synthesize information into a visual aid.
We meet to synthesize an entirely appropriate response to the situation.
He seemed to spend so much time gathering stuff to be synthesized.
The human voice has proven the most difficult of all sounds to synthesize.
The question is, how can it synthesize the stuff fast enough to keep up with demand.
The player can also synthesize cards to create new ones.
He is known for his ability to synthesize the various elements of city design.
We come therefore to synthesise the ideas I had tried to put over in the preceding chapters.
Especially as the ship would by now have had time to synthesise armed drones.
He was the first person to synthesise Vitamin C in 1933.
They need to be good storytellers, able to synthesise simple compelling stories from the results of the research.
For example, humans are able to synthesise only 12 of the 20 standard amino acids.
The plant will use locally-grown wheat from which to synthesise fuel.
This last member is very difficult to synthesise.
Can plants be made to synthesise new products?
Generally there should be some question which asks pupils to synthesise the data they have gathered at different parts of the site.
The system to synthesise the solar anomaly is very similar to that used in Wright's proposal.
The following sections are an attempt to synthesise the main themes of his lifelong quest and work.
Not all organisms are able to synthesise all amino acids.
They should be able to synthesise innovative engineering solutions from first principles if necessary."
In a repeat of the reaction in 2000 they were able to synthesise a further atom.
All green plants depend on light to power the chemical processes by which they synthesise their body substances from simple elements.
Unable to synthesise this vital protein themselves, vampires had to obtain it from their food.
The Canadians synthesise disparate elements into a startlingly coherent whole.
Going beyond this, is there any chemical method that could use hydrogen to synthesise simple hydrocarbons?
We may be able to synthesise it.
The Acxel also had the capability to synthesise sounds from scratch.
Bluebells synthesise a wide range of chemicals with potential medicinal properties.
'I've been trying to synthesise this thing for Andre.
Using this method it is possible to synthesise an antenna that is effectively the size of the Earth.
The work opens up a completely new field of research in which it is possible to synthesise molecules and material with new properties.
We think it is wrong in principle to take people's money through taxation in order to synthesise an artificial sense of European identity.
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