Find out by keeping a symptom diary, which can help you identify patterns.
You can keep a symptom diary(What is a PDF document?)
To determine the extent to which symptom diaries of asthmatic patients are inaccurate or based on retrospective recall.
Patients were seen weekly and kept a daily symptom diary.
See examples of symptom diaries or use this menstrual diary(What is a PDF document?)
Keeping a symptom diary can help you identify patterns and understand what may be triggering your symptoms.
Print out this symptom diary, and fill it out.
To begin narrowing down the list of possible causes of your pain, your doctor will review your symptom diary and:
The researchers call for longer studies of the combination drug therapy and they note a "large placebo response," possibly linked to the symptom diaries.
Keep a daily mood and symptom diary for a week or two, noting any relationship between stressful events, mood swings, and your symptoms.