Sorry, Frank, it's meant only as a supreme compliment.
Two sickly words, "contagious" and "viral," are supreme compliments on the Internet.
Kirk took it as a supreme compliment that the doctor had given up two home leaves to stay with Kirk during his recuperation.
"I would take that as a supreme compliment, Captain."
Then he paid the supreme compliment to Ulster.
Rivera's hands stop moving and his head starts shaking from side to side when he discusses the supreme compliments.
I've always taken it as a supreme compliment.
That it allowed her to do so without its assistance was a supreme compliment, one which Wolruf proved she deserved only seconds from landing.
While this is a supreme compliment to Colombo's talents, it has put him in a peculiar situation with regard to the market for vintage 20th-century design.
She sees but one object of supreme compliment in this world, and that is herself.