At the outset of the hearing, Ms. Adlam's supervisor complained to the judge that an offer of deferred action had been rejected.
Since the 1998 law was passed, I.R.S. auditors, supervisors and lawyers have repeatedly complained about false complaints.
A supervisor, J. L. Harrison, complained that Pritchard was holding back men needed to sow lupin seed.
They said five supervisors in the last few years complained about the difficulty of managing the companies.
The supervisor, Diane Leibovitz, had complained to agency officials in 1993 that several other women were being harassed by a male supervisor at the subway car maintenance shop where they all worked.
One supervisor would stand over Mr. Scardace's desk and complain, to no one in particular, of a foul odor, while another stopped addressing him by name, instead calling him "young man," he said.
If your supervisors complain about you, you are out.
Her supervisor complained and suspended her from work.
State elections officials said there have been a handful of incidents when police officers responded to polling sites after supervisors complained of unruly behavior.
The board is likely to inquire how colleagues could know about Mr. Ray's drinking and supervisors could complain of his absenteeism without anyone questioning whether it was appropriate for him to stay at the controls.