In the summer of 1995, he was moving boxes of soup cans, paper towels and dog food across the floor of a supermarket warehouse, one of the biggest buildings here in southwest Virginia.
One friend, a Quantity Surveyor, has recently taken a job in a supermarket warehouse where he is joined by a number of construction sector specialists.
Pampers are made at a Procter & Gamble factory, trucked to a P.&G. warehouse and then shipped to a supermarket warehouse, Kroger's, for example.
Mr. Leedham estimates he has shaken 85,000 hands, campaigning at supermarket warehouses, fruit-packing plants, truck terminals and United Parcel Service centers.
The job was an escape from the rigid discipline of school, and the discomfort of home, where his father, a shellshocked World War II veteran who worked in a supermarket warehouse, tended to violence.
Following the agreement, the company was allowed to remove the juice from a supermarket warehouse in Hopkins, Minn., and take it to another cold-storage site.
She finds a supermarket warehouse and raids it, enlisting the help of a neighbor boy her own age, but makes sure that he does not tell anyone because she will use the supplies to create a militia.
Mrs. Clinton learned of a bombing in Jerusalem while touring a supermarket warehouse in Buffalo.
Her young company now employs over a dozen workers, and, depending on the season, Hydroponic Systems ships 50 to 80 pounds of fresh herbs a day to supermarket warehouses.
The police were nowhere to be seen as looters climbed the fences of a supermarket warehouse.