Babe Secoli, a supermarket checker for nearly 30 years, is proud of her dexterity in moving items along the conveyor belt.
In "All or Nothing," which focuses on the intertwined lives of three families, the spark has gone out of Phil's long, once-happy marriage to Penny, a supermarket checker (Lesley Manville).
Leading the list is his wife, Ariane Ascaride, who in the earlier movie played a supermarket checker with two children courted by a worker in a cement factory.
Babe Secoli, a supermarket checker (Commonly triple-cast with Delores Dante and Terry Mason)
Appeal to the Sheriff Mrs. Suhr says that when she left her job as a $12-an-hour supermarket checker and moved with her husband to Gorman in 1990, she did so to further his career.
"Why aren't mom-lit books about the frumpy Pentecostal supermarket checker in Omaha with the truck-driving husband?"
He always tried to talk the supermarket checkers out of tearing off the Buy-Me-Discs, but they always grumbled that them was their orders and they didn't have no time to bother with him.
That was one of the reasons Billy had long since decided to be a supermarket checker himself when he grew up.
Among them: telephone operators, supermarket checkers, and journalists, including several hundred employees of The New York Times.
Meanwhile scanning machines will be slowly making youthful supermarket checkers obsolete, and no one will give a hoot.