The noon train must have arrived during this conversation, for footsteps suddenly introduced Cranston.
Cardona, fuming at the thought, suddenly introduced a question of his own.
The formula looks very complicated because it suddenly introduces cell addresses that mix relative and absolute references.
If you are well-known in town as a hardware retailer but suddenly introduce a shoe department, your customers will only receive a mixed message.
He suddenly introduced a more practical note.
"We as an industry are concerned about so suddenly introducing a new configuration, just when people are accepting CD's," he said.
What would happen if somebody suddenly introduced that kind of technology into a complex and established economy like Earth's?
These measures, introduced quite suddenly, led to considerable economic problems in the capitalist world.
In 2004, the city suddenly introduced a major change by splitting route 97 into two different routes which included the new route 96.
By using this term, you cannot suddenly introduce a whole raft of legislation.