That the Community is now striving for political and monetary union reflects the successful hijacking of the SEA by the federalists.
It was the only successful hijacking in Canadian history, and there were no injuries or reports of violence.
Long-Drink raised two fingers to his brow to acknowledge a successful hijacking and joined in the round of applause.
Somali pirates have attacked hundreds of vessels in the Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean region, though most attacks do not result in a successful hijacking.
In 2008, there were 111 attacks which included 42 successful hijackings.
A maritime intelligence source told CBS News that it was "'inconceivable' to Western intelligence agencies that al Qaeda would not be getting some financial reward from the successful hijackings."
And if Rupert Murdoch was flirting with buying or investing in Twitter, the briefly successful hijacking of his wife's profile on the network will surely give him pause for thought.
The only successful hijacking of an El Al jet was in 1968, when a flight from Rome was diverted to Algiers by Palestinian nationalists.
To this day, he remains the perpetrator of the only successful hijacking ever to take place above U.S. soil.
Omar orchestrates an elaborate and successful hijacking of Joe's entire shipment of heroin as it enters port.