Commenting the deportations as a result of accusing the Armenians for collaboration with the Russians, Wirsén concludes that the subsequent deportations were nothing but a cover for the extermination:
Police raids in the city and the subsequent deportation of unwanted newcomers further contributed to the growth Balbalas, which was to a large slum.
The circumstances of his expulsion and his subsequent deportation to Central Asia have never been fully explained, but these experiences marked a turning point for Weil.
Those caught in possession can expect a prison sentence and subsequent deportation.
The party's leader, Dusan Mihajlovic, was among those responsible for Mr. Milosevic's arrest and subsequent deportation to The Hague.
However, one NGO reported that authorities failed to identify some trafficking victims in 2007, resulting in their arrest, detainment, and subsequent deportation.
He intervened to save Jews from the 1941 Massacre and the subsequent deportations to camps in Transnistria.
The court expedited hearings and subsequent deportations of aliens apprehended attempting to enter the U.S. with false documents or through false representation.
The resistance at Shabin Karahisar was chronicled by Aram Haigaz, who survived the siege and subsequent deportation, in his book The Fall of the Airie.