These are the fracture zones, many bearing names, that are a major source of submarine earthquakes.
Four days into our journey a submarine earthquake registering 6.6 on the Richter scale had its point of origin only 12 miles from us.
In such submarine earthquakes, gravity and the incompressibility of water force the seas above to react immediately to the change thousands of feet below.
Once every three or four years, in response to some distant submarine earthquake, a huge wave would inundate the coast.
They might even bring the answer to the mystery which haunted him still, and which he had so nearly solved when that submarine earthquake robbed him of his best friend.
Tsunamis are caused by submarine earthquakes or landslides and may be barely noticeable out at sea but can be violently destructive on shore.
The tug of war between planet and satellite caused continual submarine earthquakes, and avalanches which swept with amazing speed across the abyssal plains.
Understanding plate tectonics helps to explain the cause of submarine earthquakes.
Some of the main areas of large tsunami producing submarine earthquakes are the Pacific Ring of Fire and the Great Sumatran fault.
The following is a list of major submarine earthquakes.