ALSO AROUND TOWN BOOK FAIR For those who wish to stuff stockings with books this year, the Village Community School will have its 23d annual holiday book fair on Thursday and Friday, 8:30 A.M. to 7 P.M..
Children were everywhere, drawing Jewish coloring books or Hebrew letters with crayons, hanging felt cut-outs of hands on a wall quilt, stuffing stockings to look like Torahs.
Perrin's saddlebags lay on the bed, and Perrin was stuffing shirts and stockings into them.
While others are stuffing stockings, book publishers use Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa to cram young heads with what they hope will become the reading habit.
Now is the perfect time to stock up on little last-minute presents, whether they are for stuffing stockings, thanking hosts or greeting friends with tokens of good cheer.
When her employers, Mr. and Mr. Rogers, ask her to stuff stockings for the neighbors' children, she wonders why they want stockings full of turkey stuffing, but she dutifully obeys.